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  • What is a Family Holding Company? Photo
    What is a Family Holding Company?
    Zell Law, PLLC ·
    A family holding company is an LLC (limited partnership): Instead of transferring an asset directly into the hands of the next generation, combine family-owned assets into a family holding company and use it as a centralized way of managing the family’s wealth. This ensures assets can be controlled by you, but shifted out of your estate and to your future generations or trusts for their benefit.
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  • What Happens When the IRA Beneficiary is a Trust? Photo
    What Happens When the IRA Beneficiary is a Trust?
    Zell Law, PLLC ·
    An IRA (individual retirement account) trust is a special type of trust that can be designated to receive distributions from an IRA to gain asset protections such as spendthrift protection, creditor protection and divorce protection, special needs trust protection and achieve "dead hand control".
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  • The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Effective 01/01/2024! Photo
    The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Effective 01/01/2024!
    Zell Law, PLLC - Blueprint for Wealth ·
    The CTA was enacted to help the U.S. Government combat money laundering, terrorism, tax evasion, and other financial crimes by creating a national database of organizations in the U.S. that identifies the human beings behind the companies as owners or controlling persons.
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  • When Should I use a Retention Bonus (Stay Bonus)? (Selling Your Business) Photo
    When Should I use a Retention Bonus (Stay Bonus)? (Selling Your Business)
    Zell Law, PLLC - Blueprint for Wealth ·
    Retention bonuses protect the: 1. Seller by keeping key employees incentivized to remain at the company and help the company achieve agreed upon targets after the sale of the company. Sellers may also have additional payouts that are “earned” and depend upon company results for some time after the sale during the “earnout period”. 2. Key employee by providing job security and incentives before, during, and after the sale of the company. 3. Buyer of the business by keeping the intellectual capital (key employee knowledge) with the company while the buyer learns the ins and outs of its new business.
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  • What is the Purpose of an ILIT? Photo
    What is the Purpose of an ILIT?
    Zell Law, PLLC - Blueprint for Wealth ·
    An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) is a powerful asset protection tool used in estate planning to help manage and distribute assets efficiently, minimize estate taxes, and provide liquidity to an estate.
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  • What Type of Partnership Should I Create? Photo
    What Type of Partnership Should I Create?
    Zell Law, PLLC - Blueprint for Wealth ·
    What type of partnerships should you choose - General Partners (GP), Limited Partnerships (LP), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LLLP). Avoid general partnerships which expose personal assets to business liabilities. (Read More)
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  • How Do I Pass My Business On To The Next Generation? Photo
    How Do I Pass My Business On To The Next Generation?
    Zell Law, PLLC - Blueprint for Wealth ·
    Passing on your business to the next generation by creating management (how your business will be managed if you are gone) and business succession plans (how your business will be owned) will help you get the most value for your business and hopefully, avoid hurting family and business partners. (Read more...)
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  • When Should I Sell a Piece of My Company to a Non-Grantor Trust? Photo
    When Should I Sell a Piece of My Company to a Non-Grantor Trust?
    Zell Law, PLLC - Blueprint for Wealth ·
    One advantage of selling to a non-grantor trust is that it allows you to lock in the capital gains at a fixed value while deferring the recognition of the gain until payments are made under the promissory note. This strategy can effectively transfer the appreciation in value to the trust beneficiaries.
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